This is one of my projects in ART 261: Ceramics I. This assignment is about building a pot/vase based on our favorite piece from the 19th century. It doesn't necessarily have to be exact the same, so I decided to make my pot look like my tuxedo baby cat, Socky.
The piece that I chose since I'm interested in its handles, small and cute.
First stage.
After using the coil building technique to make the base of the pot, I added some details, such as the ears, nose, necklace, and two hands (considered as handles).
Second stage.
We were required to use slip (known as liquid clay) to paint over the pot.
Third stage.
We were also required to have at least two different decoration techniques. I did mine with sgraffito (carve into the slip layer(s) to show the pot's original color) and slip trailing (apply slip onto the pot surface by using a fine-pointed dispenser). 
(after it got fired)
Here are my favorite angles of the pot.
Real version, Socky, is sniffing his pot version.


